Designed To Perform, Built To Last.
Product Segments
Heavy Duty Parts
Heavy-duty truck parts typically refer to components designed for use in commercial trucks, semi-trucks, and other large vehicles.
Light Duty Parts
Light-duty truck parts are designed for use in smaller trucks, pickups, vans, and LCVs.

Tractor Parts
Tractor parts encompass a wide range of components used in agricultural machinery
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Agricultural Implements
Agricultural implements are tools and machinery used in farming operations to perform various tasks such as planting, tilling, cultivating, harvesting, and transporting crops.
Earth Moving Parts
Earthmoving parts refer to components used in heavy machinery and equipment designed for earthmoving, excavation, construction, and landscaping tasks.

Success Is To Strive, To Create Value Each Day, Every Day.
Our goal is to create value at every step with a vision to satisfy our customers by giving them the right products at the right price, in time and all the time.
About Us
Auseto is a global brand that has strong expertise in manufacturing, design and supply chain and has over 5 decades of experience in the automotive and engineering sector. From manufacturing to design, from warehousing to logistics, Auseto has everything under one single roof.
Auseto は、製造、設計、サプライチェーンにおける強力な専門知識を備え、自動車およびエンジニアリング分野で 50 年以上の経験を持つ世界的なブランドです。 Auseto では、製造から設計、倉庫保管から物流まで、すべてを 1 つの屋根の下で行っています。

A product can be quickly outdated, but a successful brand is timeless.
We are in it for the long haul. We have successfully added value to over 15000 customers around the world so we know what it takes to consistently deliver and service our customers and that is what we do best.
私たちは長期にわたってそれに取り組んでいます。 当社は世界中の 15,000 を超える顧客に付加価値を提供することに成功しており、顧客に一貫したサービスを提供しサービスを提供するために何が必要かを熟知し ており、それが当社の最善の努力です。
Product Categories
Auseto has over the years developed a diverse range of products and now cover 80 different product categories that range from Axles, suspension, transmission, chassis, engine to body parts and accessories. Our range of applications include Truck, Trailers, Cars, Tractors, Construction equipment and more. We continuously strive to add more products to our range to make sure our customers get everything under one single roof.
Auseto は長年にわたって多様な製品を開発しており、現在では車軸、サスペンション、トランスミッション、シャーシ、エンジンからボディ部品、アクセサリーに至る 80 の異なる製品カテゴリーをカバーしています。 当社のアプリケーションの範囲には、トラック、トレーラー、乗用車、トラクター、建設機械などが含まれます。 当社は、お客様がすべてを 1 つ屋根の下で確実に入手できるように、より多くの製品をラインナップに追加するよう継続的に努力しています。

Integrity Is What We Say We Do And Nothing Else Matters.
Trust and loyalty are our most valuable assets and we have achieved this by always being transparent and honest with our customers and listening to them at each and every step.
All our parts are built in our own manufacturing facilities or are sourced via our own sourcing offices enabling us to supply faster and have complete control over the quality of our products. Our manufacturing capabilities include forging, casting, precision machining, plastic injection moulding, rubber extrusion and all kinds of sheet metal fabrication. We work with all kind of materials such as steel, copper, brass, aluminium, rubber, plastic and more.
当社のすべての部品は自社の製造施設で構築されるか、自社の調達オフィスを通じて調達されるため、より迅速に供給し、製品の品質を完全に管理できます。 当社の製造能力には、鍛造、鋳造、精密機械加工、プラスチック射出成形、ゴム押出成形、およびあらゆる種類の板金加工が含まれます。 鋼、銅、真鍮、アルミニウム、ゴム、プラスチックなど、あらゆる種類の材料を扱います。

Global Distribution
Our goal is to create value at every step with a vision to satisfy our customers by not just giving them products that are of excellent quality but making sure that they are able to get them when they need them.
Warehousing & Distribution
Auseto’s authorized distributors stock over thousands of SKUs in different strategic locations around the world to be able to deliver products right at your doorstep. All products are delivered within a few days all across the Middle east and our coverage includes countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain. Qatar, Oman and more. Our B2B customers can place orders online and can even track them in real time using our robust online platform.
Auseto の正規代理店は、世界中のさまざまな戦略的拠点に数千を超える SKU を在庫しており、すぐに製品をお届けできます。 すべての製品は中東全域で数日以内に配送され、サウジアラビア、クウェート、バーレーンなどの国々がカバーされます。 カタール、オマーンなど。 当社の B2B 顧客はオンラインで注文でき、当社の堅牢なオンライン プラットフォームを使用してリアルタイムで注文を追跡することもできます。